Saturday, April 6, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Day 6: F is for Firepower!

I'm participating the this crazy challenge on 2 of my blogs. This one and Paranormal Lounge. The A to Z Challenge is a blogging event that takes place every April. The challenge is to write a post for each letter of the alphabet and post nearly every day during April, omitting Sundays.

My theme for this challenge is: Marketing is like war. I'm going to try to stick to that theme as much as possible, but I may have to deviate. Today's letter is "F" which will stand for firepower.

In the marketing world, your firepower is your product. Your product is your book. If you don't have a quality product, your marketing plan is going to blow up in your face. Here is how to boost your firepower:

Get an editor. Simple and said quite often, but true. You need an editor. I realize it takes money, but it will be worth it in the end. You can also try to trade services with an editor. Put your other talents to use!

Get some beta readers you trust. They will look for plot holes, and other mistakes and will often leave a review once you publish if you ask nicely.

Get a nice cover. The cover is usually the first thing people see. Let me be honest. I get a daily email with a list of free books. Since there are so many, I confess, I only look at the covers. I don't read a blurb unless the cover catches my eye. I know. Horrible. Right? But it's the brutal truth and you need to hear it. If I'm doing it, you can bet countless others are too.

Get it formatted well. Don't just throw it on Amazon in a very raw form. Get it formatted. You can find some great tutorials on how to do it yourself, or hire someone to do it for you. Either way, it needs to be done.

Lastly, SHOW OFF that good quality! Excerpts, review highlights, anything that will tell readers you put time into making sure that you gave them the best product to your ability.


  1. Hello, Kayla! Great word for F! You're so right your need your writerly firepower to make it through the process!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  2. I'm with you on the cover art for books. I think it has to do with working in an art department for several years. You only get one chance to catch a potential reader, so it's a wise investment. I already have the cover image in mind for my book, but it requires a trip and taking a good photo. I'm lucky in that my husband is a graphic artist:)
    Good luck with the A to Z!

    1. Good luck to you too! Every writer deserves their dream cover!

  3. Stopping by on the A to Z challenge. Looks like some great info and encouragement here. I am in the middle of marketing my first book (due out this summer) so I appreciate all the marketing tips I can find. I also intend to check out your Fiction Features Quarterly. I think you will be my blog pick for today - that one that stands out that I am sharing on my fan page. Have a blessed day!

  4. I'm not a writer, I'm an avid reader though. Seriously if the cover doesn't hook me I won't even read the back. I know that's bad and I miss out on a lot of great books that way...... but that's how I shop.
    Great post!
    A to Z buddy
    Peanut Butter and Whine
