Fiction Features Quarterly is written by Jacob Donley and Kayla Curry. Click on the links below to go to the issue post. From there you can visit each article.
(most current on top)
Volume II, Issue I (Coming March 2013)
Volume I, Issue I (Originally Published December 3rd with Google Currents Producer)
Jacob Donley - Editor and Contributor
Kayla Curry - Editor and Contributor
Laura A. Lord - Guest Contributor for Volume II: Issue 1
Contact Us:
Currently we can be reached at our Google+ page: +Fiction Features Quarterly .
E-mails requesting interviews and for general information about the magazine please send e-mails to, requesting book reviews and anyone interested in writing articles as a guest, send your e-mails to - please put FFQ somewhere in the subject. Thanks!
FFQ looks good at the Pepper Press!!!